Welcome Back - Message from the Principal
Dear Twain Families,
Welcome to the start of the 2024-25 school year! We are pleased that you child is attending Twain High School. Our goal is to support your student as they progress towards earning their high school diploma. Please check out our Twain web site at: https://twain.sandiegounified.org/ and let any one of us know if you have any questions.
After School Tutorials – Most Twain site will be hosting student tutorials this Thursday, September 12, to support students who are missing work. Staff are contacting families of students who should stay for tutoring. Please check the PowerSchool Parent Portal or contact your school counselor if you have questions.
Twain Open House – Most Twain sites will be hosting in person open house on September 17-19. Please watch for a flyer or contact your child’s counselor/teacher for more information. This is an opportunity to meet Twain’s staff, ask questions, and learn about classes or graduation requirements.
School Lunches – All students receive free meals for the 24-25 school year.
Twain ASB (student government) – If your child is interested in supporting school spirit and being involved in the Twain ASB, please contact Carrie Rios at [email protected] .
Twain School Site Council (SSC) – Calling for nominations: Are you interested in being involved in Twain’s SSC? We are looking for parents and students that are willing to serve on this important school committee that plans for and monitors Twain’s instructional program and supports offered to students. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Mike Rebman at [email protected] . Nominations will be accepted through Friday, September 13, and ballots will be available from Tuesday, September 17 through Friday, September 20. Paper ballots are available in each school office and ballots can also be submitted online (more information to come). The first Twain SSC meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24 at 2:30pm in room 6 at 6402 Linda Vista Road.
Twain English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) - Twain is looking for 2-3 parents of English Learners willing to serve on our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). If you are interested or have questions about this committee, please call Alex Martinez at (858) 800 5300 x 0 or by email at [email protected] . Nominations will be accepted through Friday, September 13 and ballots will be available to families of English Learners from Tuesday, September 17 through Friday, September 20.
Twain's Annual Title 1 parent meeting will be held at Main Twain (6402 Linda Vista Road) on Wednesday, September 18 at 5:00pm in room 6. All Twain families are invited to this meeting where an overview will be given of Title 1, instructional supports, current school data, parents rights, among other topics. The meeting outline is on the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T3thBrlZRDmY-Gqqg-admcukBVT4rYq0/view?usp=sharing
SDUSD Uniform Complaint Policy - The San Diego Unified School District has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations and has established procedures to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying; and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs.
Twain School Parent Compact:
SDUSD and Twain Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Policies:
Sexual Health Education – A parent curriculum preview will be held at Main Twain located at 6402 Linda Vista Road at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, September 18. Flyer Attached in English and Spanish. An online version of the parent preview is also available.
Thank you,
Mike Rebman
Principal, Twain High School
Upcoming meetings and events:
September, 25 SGT meeting at main campus 2:30PM
Meet Your Teachers
Virtual Open House Videos:
Meet your teacher: CLICK HERE for a Video Introduction from each teacher!